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Produkt zum Begriff Web-to-Web-Marketing:

  • Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company's Web Site
    Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company's Web Site

    The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to Search Marketing Success...Now Completely Updated with New Techniques, Tools, and Best Practices! In this book, two world-class experts present today’s best practices, step-by-step techniques, and hard-won tips for using search engine marketing to achieve your sales and marketing goals, whatever they are. Mike Moran and Bill Hunt thoroughly cover both the business and technical aspects of contemporary search engine marketing, walking beginners through all the basics while providing reliable, up-to-the-minute insights for experienced professionals.   Thoroughly updated to fully reflect today’s latest search engine marketing opportunities, this book guides you through profiting from social media marketing, site search, advanced keyword tools, hybrid paid search auctions, and much more. You’ll walk step-by-step through every facet of creating an effective program: projecting business value, selling stakeholders and executives, building teams, choosing strategy, implementing metrics, and above all, execution.   Whether you’re a marketing, Web, or IT professional, product manager, or content specialist, Search Engine Marketing, Inc., Second Edition will help you define your SEO/SEM goals, craft a best-practices program for achieving them, and implement it flawlessly.

    Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Tecni.Art Web
    Tecni.Art Web

    Strukturpaste zum modellieren und definieren des Haares. Sorgt für ein natürlich glänzendes Finish.

    Preis: 22.90 € | Versand*: 4.95 €
  • Rust Web Development
    Rust Web Development

    Create bulletproof, high-performance web apps and servers with Rust.In Rust Web Development you will learn:Handling the borrow checker in an asynchronous environmentCreating web APIs and using JSON in RustGraceful error handlingTesting, tracing, logging, and debuggingDeploying Rust applicationsEfficient database accessRust Web Development is a hands-on guide to building server-based web applications with Rust. If you've built web servers using Java, C#, or PHP, you'll instantly fall in love with the performance and development experience Rust delivers. This book shows you how to work efficiently using pure Rust, along with important Rust libraries such as tokio for async runtimes, warp for web servers and APIs, and reqwest to run external HTTP requests.about the technologyWeb development languages and libraries can be resource hungry, with poor safety for maintaining vital web services. Rust services perform better and guarantee better safety. Plus, Rust's awesome compiler gives you an amazing developer experience. You'll get the speed of low-level programming languages like C along with the ease-of-use you'd expect from high-level languages Python or Ruby, with a super strong compiler that automatically prevents common mistakes such as null pointers.about the bookIn Rust Web Development, you'll learn to build server-side web applications using the Rust language and its key libraries. If you know the basics of Rust, you'll quickly pick up some pro tips for setting up your projects and organizing your code. This book gets you hands-on fast, with numerous small and large examples. You'll get up to speed with how Rust streamlines backend development, implements authentication flows, and even makes it easier for your APIs to interact. As you go, you'll build a complete Q&A web service and iterate on your code chapter-by-chapter, just like a real development project.RETAIL SELLING POINTS Handling the borrow checker in an asynchronous environment Creating web APIs and using JSON in Rust Graceful error handling Testing, tracing, logging, and debugging Deploying Rust applications Efficient database accessAUDIENCEFor experienced web developers familiar with Java, Node, or Go, and the absolute basics of Rust 

    Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Testing Web APIs
    Testing Web APIs

    Guarantee the quality and consistency of your web APIs by implementing an automated testing process.In Testing Web APIs you will:Design and implement a web API testing strategySet up a test automation suiteLearn contract testing with PactFacilitate collaborative discussions to test web API designsPerform exploratory testsExperiment safely in a downloadable API sandbox environmentTesting Web APIs teaches you to plan and implement the perfect testing strategy for your web APIs. In it, you'll explore dozens of different testing activities to help you develop a custom testing regime for your projects. You'll learn to take a risk-driven approach to API testing, and build a strategy that goes beyond the basics of code and requirements coverage.about the technologyTo other developers, your API is the face of your application. Thorough, well-designed testing ensures that your APIs will perform as expected, every time. Impeccable API testing goes beyond the basics of code coverage, to encompass documentation and design that sends the right information to your third-party users. A robust testing strategy helps you avoid costly errors that can damage your revenue, your reputation, and your user's trust.about the bookIn Testing Web APIs you'll develop a diverse testing program that gets your whole team involved in ensuring quality. This practical book demystifies abstract strategic concepts by applying them to common API testing scenarios, revealing how these complex ideas work in the real world. It fully covers automation techniques like functional API automation, contract testing, and automated acceptance test-driven design that will save your team's time.You'll map the potential risks your API could face, and use those risks as a launching point for your testing activities. A good strategy has a mix of focuses, so you'll master a wide range of API testing techniques like exploratory testing and live testing of production code. A downloadable API sandbox lets you go hands-on and experiment in a safe environment. You'll soon be ready to implement a strategy that ensures API quality and makes testing a real asset to your team.

    Preis: 56.7 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welches Videoformat für Web?

    Welches Videoformat für Web? Bei der Auswahl eines Videoformats für das Web sollten verschiedene Faktoren berücksichtigt werden, wie z.B. die Kompatibilität mit verschiedenen Browsern und Geräten, die Dateigröße für eine schnelle Ladezeit und die Qualität des Videos. Gängige Formate für das Web sind beispielsweise MP4, WebM und OGG. Es ist wichtig, das richtige Format zu wählen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Video reibungslos abgespielt wird und eine gute Benutzererfahrung bietet. Letztendlich hängt die Wahl des Videoformats von den spezifischen Anforderungen des Projekts und der Zielgruppe ab.

  • Wie WhatsApp Web installieren?

    Um WhatsApp Web zu installieren, musst du zuerst die offizielle Website von WhatsApp Web besuchen. Dort findest du einen QR-Code, den du mit deinem Smartphone scannen musst. Öffne dazu die WhatsApp-App auf deinem Smartphone, gehe zu den Einstellungen und wähle WhatsApp Web aus. Scanne dann den QR-Code auf dem Bildschirm deines Computers oder Tablets. Sobald der QR-Code erfolgreich gescannt wurde, wird WhatsApp Web automatisch mit deinem WhatsApp-Konto synchronisiert und du kannst es auf deinem Computer oder Tablet nutzen. Stelle sicher, dass du immer mit dem Internet verbunden bist, um WhatsApp Web zu verwenden.

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    ONLINE USV SNMP/WEB Manager DW7SNMP30 - Fernverwaltungsadapter

    Online USV SNMP/WEB Manager DW7SNMP30 - Fernverwaltungsadapter - 10/100 Ethernet - für XANTO RT 1000, 2000, 3000; XANTO S 10000, 100003, 15000, 20000; ZINTO A 1500, 2000, 3000

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    Wiederaufladbares Trichtersystem Web PVA

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  • Hundehalsband Ruffwear Web Reaction
    Hundehalsband Ruffwear Web Reaction

    Für Ausbrecher: Eine beliebte Lösung für Hunde, die aus herkömmlichen Halsbändern ausbrechen können; das Martingal hält Ihren Hund sicher an der Leine, sodass Sie Ihre täglichen Spaziergänge und Abenteuer genießen können.Bleibt an Ort und Stelle: Wenn das Halsband an einer Leine befestigt ist, schaltet die Gurtschnalle des Halsbandes die Martingalfunktion mit begrenzter Klemmung ein, wodurch verhindert wird, dass Hunde aus dem Halsband entwischen.Sicher und selbstbewusst : Der V-Ring aus haltbarem Aluminium bietet eine sichere point zur Befestigung der Leine; die separate point zur Identifizierung stellt sicher, dass die Leine immer an der richtigen Stelle befestigt ist.Sichtbar und sicher: Das Tubelok-Gurtband verfügt über ein integriertes Reflexionssystem für bessere Sichtbarkeit bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen; es ist bequem, strapazierfähig und farbecht, d. h. Farben und Muster bleiben leuchtend.Weniger Geräusche: Der Ring rapide erleichtert das Hinzufügen und Entfernen von ...

    Preis: 27.49 € | Versand*: 7.4900 €

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