Produkt zum Begriff Responsives Design:
Kaliumpermanganat Loesung 1% SR, 100 ml Lösung
Desinfektionsmittel zur Desinfektion Lösung zur Anwendung auf der Haut apothekenpflichtiges Arzneimittel Hersteller: apomix AMH Niemann GmbH & Co. KG, Deutschland (Originalprodukt aus Deutschland) PZN: 02830622
Preis: 12.14 € | Versand*: € -
Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software
ASQ 2007 CROSBY MEDAL WINNER!An Integrated Technology for Delivering Better Software—Cheaper and Faster! This book presents an integrated technology, Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS), to address software quality issues upstream such that the goal of software quality becomes that of preventing bugs in implementation rather than finding and eliminating them during and after implementation. The thrust of the technology is that major quality deployments take place before a single line of code is written! This customer-oriented integrated technology can help deliver breakthrough results in cost, quality, and delivery schedule thus meeting and exceeding customer expectations. The authors describe the principles behind the technology as well as their applications to actual software design problems. They present illustrative case studies covering various aspects of DFTS technology including CoSQ, AHP, TRIZ, FMEA, QFD, and Taguchi Methods and provide ample questions and exercises to test the readers understanding of the material in addition to detailed examples of the applications of the technology. The book can be used to impart organization-wide learning including training for DFTS Black Belts and Master Black Belts. It helps you gain rapid mastery, so you can deploy DFTS Technology quickly and successfully. Learn how to • Plan, build, maintain, and improve your trustworthy software development system • Adapt best practices of quality, leadership, learning, and management for the unique software development milieu • Listen to the customer’s voice, then guide user expectations to realizable, reliable software products • Refocus on customer-centered issues such as reliability, dependability, availability, and upgradeability • Encourage greater design creativity and innovation • Validate, verify, test, evaluate, integrate, and maintain software for trustworthiness • Analyze the financial impact of software quality • Prepare your leadership and infrastructure for DFTS Design for Trustworthy Software will help you improve quality whether you develop in-house, outsource, consult, or provide support. It offers breakthrough solutions for the entire spectrum of software and quality professionals—from developers to project leaders, chief software architects to customers. The American Society for Quality (ASQ) is the world's leading authority on quality which provides a community that advances learning, quality improvement, and knowledge exchange to improve business results, and to create better workplaces and communities worldwide. The Crosby Medal is presented to the individual who has authored a distinguished book contributing significantly to the extension of the philosophy and application of the principles, methods, or techniques of quality management. Bijay K. Jayaswal, CEO of Agilenty Consulting Group, has held senior executive positions and consulted on quality and strategy for 25 years. His expertise includes value engineering, process improvement, and product development. He has directed MBA and Advanced Management programs, and helped to introduce enterprise-wide reengineering and Six Sigma initiatives. Dr. Peter C. Patton, Chairman of Agilenty Consulting Group, is Professor of Quantitative Methods and Computer Science at the University of St. Thomas. He served as CIO of the University of Pennsylvania and CTO at Lawson Software, and has been involved with software development since 1955.
Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Web Design In Simple Steps
Discover everything you want to know about web design in this easy to use guide, from the most essential tasks that you’ll want to perform, to solving the most common problems you’ll encounter. Web Design In Simple Steps 2nd editioncovers every practical aspect you will need to master in web design that will help you to achieve immediate results.Covers all aspects from initial concept to final testing Covers planning and designing your site to maximise the user experience and navigation All areas of writing, editing, enhancing, testing & maintaining your website fully covered This series of vibrant books will teach you exactly what you need to know using A friendly, visual approach Easy-to-understand language Practical hands-on tasks Full-colour large format screenshots To build your confidence and help you to get the most out of your computer, practical hints, tips and shortcuts feature on every page: § Alert!– Explains and provides practical solutions to the most commonly encountered problems § Hot Tips– Time and effort saving shortcuts§ See Also… - Points you to other related tasks and information§ Did you Know? – Additional features to explore What does this Mean?– Jargon and technical terms explained in plain English
Preis: 11.76 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Lenscare Kochsalz Loesung
Lenscare Kochsalz Loesung können in Ihrer Versandapotheke apodiscounter erworben werden.
Preis: 2.49 € | Versand*: 3.99 €
Wie gestalte ich ein responsives Design für meine Website?
Um ein responsives Design für deine Website zu gestalten, solltest du zunächst sicherstellen, dass du ein flexibles Layout verwendest, das sich automatisch an verschiedene Bildschirmgrößen anpasst. Verwende Media Queries, um unterschiedliche CSS-Stile für verschiedene Gerätebreiten zu definieren. Stelle sicher, dass alle Bilder und Medien ebenfalls responsive sind und sich entsprechend verkleinern oder vergrößern.
Wie beeinflusst responsives Design die Benutzererfahrung auf verschiedenen Geräten und Bildschirmgrößen?
Responsives Design passt sich automatisch an die Bildschirmgröße und das Gerät des Benutzers an, was zu einer konsistenten und benutzerfreundlichen Erfahrung führt. Dadurch wird die Navigation auf verschiedenen Geräten erleichtert und die Inhalte werden optimal dargestellt. Die Benutzer können die Website oder Anwendung auf jedem Gerät nutzen, ohne dass sie sich mit unerwarteten Problemen oder Einschränkungen konfrontiert sehen. Dies trägt dazu bei, dass die Benutzer länger auf der Seite bleiben und die Konversionsraten steigen.
Wie beeinflusst responsives Design die Benutzererfahrung auf verschiedenen Geräten und Bildschirmgrößen und welche Vorteile bietet es für die Website-Entwicklung und das Online-Marketing?
Responsives Design passt sich automatisch an verschiedene Bildschirmgrößen an, was eine konsistente Benutzererfahrung auf allen Geräten gewährleistet. Dadurch wird die Website für Nutzer auf Smartphones, Tablets und Desktops gleichermaßen zugänglich und benutzerfreundlich. Dies verbessert die Usability und erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Besucher auf der Website bleiben und konvertieren. Zudem bietet responsives Design Vorteile für die Website-Entwicklung, da nur eine Version der Website gepflegt werden muss, und für das Online-Marketing, da die SEO-Performance verbessert wird und die Website auf verschiedenen Geräten gut aussieht.
Welche Vorteile bietet responsives Webdesign?
Responsives Webdesign bietet mehrere Vorteile. Erstens ermöglicht es eine optimale Darstellung der Website auf verschiedenen Geräten und Bildschirmgrößen, was die Benutzerfreundlichkeit verbessert. Zweitens ist es kosteneffizient, da nur eine Website entwickelt und gewartet werden muss. Drittens verbessert es die Suchmaschinenoptimierung, da Google responsives Webdesign als Ranking-Faktor berücksichtigt.
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Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently. Each pattern describes the circumstances in which it is applicable, when it can be applied in view of other design constraints, and the consequences and trade-offs of using the pattern within a larger design. All patterns are compiled from real systems and are based on real-world examples. Each pattern also includes code that demonstrates how it may be implemented in object-oriented programming languages like C++ or Smalltalk.
Preis: 54.56 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning
Successful web design teams depend on clear communication between developers and their clients—and among members of the development team. Wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other design diagrams establish a common language so designers and project teams can capture ideas, track progress, and keep their stakeholders informed. In this all new edition of Communicating Design, author and information architect Dan Brown defines and describes each deliverable, then offers practical advice for creating the documents and using them in the context of teamwork and presentations, independent of methodology. Whatever processes, tools, or approaches you use, this book will help you improve the creation and presentation of your wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other deliverables. The book now features: An improved structure comprising two main sections: Design Diagrams and Design Deliverables. The first focuses on the nuts and bolts of design documentation and the second explains how to pull it all together. New deliverable: design briefs, as well as updated advice on wireframes, flow charts, and concept models. More illustrations, to help designers understand the subtle variations and approaches to creating design diagrams. Reader exercises, for those lonely nights when all you really want to do is practice creating wireframes, or for use in workshops and classes. Contributions from industry leaders: Tamara Adlin, Stephen Anderson, Dana Chisnell, Nathan Curtis, Chris Fahey, James Melzer, Steve Mulder, Donna Spencer, and Russ Unger. “As an educator, I have looked to Communicating Design both as a formal textbook and an informal guide for its design systems that ultimately make our ideas possible and the complex clear.” —Liz Danzico, from the Foreword
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Circulator mit EMS und TENS Technologie Online bestellen
Unterstütze deinen Körper mit der EMS und TENS Technologie. Der Circulator ist durchblutungsfördernd für Beine, Füße, Arme, Schultern und Rücken.
Preis: 109.99 € | Versand*: 3.99 € -
Atlanta 1134/30 Design-Tischwecker mit Touch-Technologie
Kunststoffgehäuse in Eschenholz-Optik, Größe 6,5 x 6,5 x 6,5 cm, dimmbares Display mit Loop-Funktion, grüne LED-Anzeige von Zeit, Datum und Temperatur im Wechsel, 3 Weckzeiten, Energiesparmodus, inklusive Netzkabel und Adapter, 3 x Batterie AAA (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)
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Wie kann ein responsives Raster mit 9 Quadraten erstellt werden?
Ein responsives Raster mit 9 Quadraten kann erstellt werden, indem man die Breite des Rasters in 3 gleich große Spalten aufteilt und die Höhe in 3 gleich große Reihen. Jedes Quadrat hat dann die gleiche Breite und Höhe. Durch die Verwendung von CSS-Media-Queries kann das Raster auf verschiedene Bildschirmgrößen reagieren und sich entsprechend anpassen.
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